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Monday, September 21, 2009
Just came back from going out with the guys.

First of all, list of things i ate

  • hotpot at thai express
  • kaya toast set
  • mee siam
  • satay
  • fried egg oyster
cool eh? ate sakura buffet yesterday too mind you. i'm stuffing myself before going in!
3 weeks kena confine is no small joke. Gonna miss out a lot of things.

Anyways, i had a great time with the guys. I'm really going to miss section 1. feng ying especially, always the butt of the jokes. i hope my new bunk mate will be as interesting.

Things to do: PACK the bloody big black bag. RESTOCK on army issued items. BUY extra accessories. PRINT documents. TAKE passport photo. yup, and all to do tomorrow. I love my habits.

Friday, September 18, 2009
ok, my posting is out. This was really unexpected, but a rather pleasant surprise in a rather long time; i got into ocs. Bunch of mixed feelings here. Happy because it has been my goal right from the start. and a little bit uncertain about myself, would i be able to make it through this 9 months?

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Monday, September 07, 2009
ok, i know it's been aeons since i've last updated this blog. but hell, army life has taken it's toll on me. i have very little spare time. and let me tell you something, i've got lotsa confinements.

going to book in tomorrow morning for one last hell march. 24km route march with full battle order. though the load is lighter than before (i think), it still suck to walk for 6 hours with few breaks in between. Furthermore, we have to sing army songs to "motivate" us... sigh.. it's going to be a long day.

3 months, i've been with platoon 2.
and 3 months we went through thick and thin together.
3 months might seem insignificant to some.
but 3 months, together we pumped.
we've shed both blood and sweat, and tears shall soon come.
Ulysses platoon two section one,
even Feng Ying and Collin,
the two bloody lazy bums,
I'll miss the whole lot of you.

the way we encouraged each other.
the times we spent taunting each other.
everything and every momment we spent together.

Ulysses! platoon two. Etched to my memories,Forever.

Morale and Discipline! High AR!

Monday, May 18, 2009
my acheivement in black shot ^^ dun know if the stats are visible or not.. this game is addictive. but just like maple story, there are alot of kids playing. and with kids come uncontrolled swearing. =/ good game. this is a game i've stayed with for nearly the whole of this year i think. ^ ^ sargent major now.. 30, 000 + more exp to lieutenant. w0ot. MOVE MOVE MOVE!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
just came back home from my class gathering at Mr Ho's place.

It's nice to know that there are friends around you. The thought of being a hermit and living without a social circle just dawned upon me as a scary way of life. For example, the food really does taste better when you're with the right company. Well, so does the liquor. So, here's to you my friends - a toast, hoping that you will keep in touch and be my friends for life.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

hahahaha =D i wonder how it led to this happening. This was a mail forwarded by a friend. lol.


4th August 1988
Marcus Myo


Shu Zhen
Lee Wah



September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009
May 2009
September 2009